

৲Value (J-at)
৲Value (BW)

Restaurant Web | Portal
Restaurant Web | Portal
Team will audit you your restaurant's website and web-related things on a regular basis — 🔁monthly, to be sure you are looking good to current and future guests (users).
Chat with us (humans & bots)

the web audit 🧾

We will be including some web audit content below: tools, apps, services,
draft of details

Web Audits

  1. website (useability, accessibility, experience, SEO, ...)
  1. social media, listing (Google, Yelp, ...),
  1. broken links
  1. branding mismatches
    1. This list above, once completed, will link to a guide on how to perform this audit.
      This list above, once completed, will link to a guide on how to perform this audit.

get an audit