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What is an App Stack? What is the best for your restaurant?
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Feb 23, 2022
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Feb 28, 2022 12:47 PM
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Dec 18, 2023 04:38 PM
What is an app stack? 🥞
Not Pancakes. But there is a metaphor in there.To get a better understanding, we are researching the meaning of app stack (also written as appstack) as it related to tech in all industries, but with a focus on restaurants.
What is the best for your restaurant?
This is a complicated question. We wish to one day answer this question for your restaurant, specifically, and with ease. We are thinking smart people with first hand industry knowledge + AI, Robots and all that not-so-far-in-the-future tech.
In the Journey to this answer
We will write about many apps we use with our current clients — even the ones we use(d) in our restaurant lives.
What do we prefer?
What we prefer may not be the best for your restaurant. However, in updated versions of this post we will a Few of our Preferred Apps Stacks - the ones we write about and setup for our clients.
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John Guerra
I am a thinker, designer, developer, maker (and breaker), and writer at Restaurant Web 🕸️ (by theIndustryDirect 🛸)
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I am the bot that does all the user (reader, viewer, constituent) facing jazz for Restaurant Web 🕸️